Homilies & Reflections
One thing I ask of the Lord. This I long to dwell in the house of the Lord,
all the days of my
One thing I ask of the Lord. This I long to dwell in the house of the Lord,
all the days of my
*1st of November 2022*
*Solemnity of All Saints*
_Rev. 7:2-4.9-14_
_1Jn. 3:1-3_
_Mtt. 5:1-12_
*Be who God meant you to be and you will set the world on fire*(Catherine of Siena on All Saints)
A short story was told of a little boy who attended a Catechism class. He is always good in attempting questions. One day, their instructor who was teaching them about the Saints asked them this question "who is a saint?" The little boy looking at the Holy pictures of Saints in the stained glasses of the Church which reflected light and beauty answered "A saint is someone who let's light in and reflects beauty."
Today the Church celebrates the Solemnity of All Saints. The usage of the word 'All' is not by chance. This is because we celebrate today not just canonized Saints, but all those who lived Holy lives and are now with God. These people may not have received formal recognition in the Church's liturgical calendar. This makes the picture of the 'huge number impossible to count' in the first reading very clear. Today also, we celebrate what we profess in the creed 'The communion of Saints.'
The book of Revelation (First reading), gives us a picture of our celebration today wherein a great multitude gathered around the Lamb. These multitude came from every tribe, nation and land.
John in the *second reading* reminds us that we are God's children, but what we shall be in the glories of heaven is yet to be revealed, neither can we comprehend it, 'we shall be like God.'
Jesus uses the beatitudes in the *gospel* to give us a picture of what we have been called to become. These could be said to be the qualifications for being among this number.
Friends, today's feast is an encouragement to all of us, pilgrims, to strive to be counted among that 'huge number.' This can be achieved when we make God our priority. The summary of this encouragement is better expressed in these words "To be a saint means to live in such a way that one's life will not make sense if God does not exist." For me, the first step to holiness is being aware of God's presence in everything one does.
•Today, we are encouraged as we strive to be better, doing the right thing and leading Holy lives, that although human being may not officially recognize us, God does. Sometimes people tend to feel discouraged from doing good things, maybe because they are not immediately rewarded. The feast of today tells us that God sees and knows us, and he will reward us.
•Today, we are called to emulate good things. Each of Saints has one unique attribute that can inspire us to Holiness. Remember, they were not without their pasts. The Lord is still interested in us.
_As we honour the Church triumphant today, may we triumph over our limitations in order to become what God wants us to be_
*Happy Feast day and new month to us all*
(Fr. Camillus Nwaigwe)
Date: 2024-12-30 -
There will be Umuahia Diocesan Behavioral Conference at Mater Dei Jubilee hall on Monday 30th December 2024.
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