Homilies & Reflections
One thing I ask of the Lord. This I long to dwell in the house of the Lord,
all the days of my
One thing I ask of the Lord. This I long to dwell in the house of the Lord,
all the days of my
"To ranson a slave, God gave His Son" *(exultet* - Holy Saturday). The Cross is the symbol of God's unconditional love for humanity. We celebrate today, the Memorial of the Exaltation/Triumph of the Cross. This feast was observed in Rome before the end of the seventh century. It commemorates the recovery of the Holy Cross, which had been placed on Mt. Calvary by St. Helena and preserved in Jerusalem, but then had fallen into the hands of Chosroas, King of the Persians. The precious relic was recovered and returned to Jerusalem by Emperor Heralius in 629.
Today's readings point to the meaning of the cross in the plan of salvation. Jesus' being raised up, consequently, is our being raised up eventually to be with Jesus in heaven. The first reading (Num. 21: 4-9) prefigures the crucifixion of Jesus. Moses, by lifting up the bronze serpent mounted on a pole, salvation- healing and restoration- was given to those bitten by seraph serpents as a consequence of disobedience.
The gospel (John 3: 13-17) links back to the serpent on the pole and how the "Son of Man" lifted on the Wood of the Cross brings greater salvation, the gift of eternal life.
Dear friends, unlike Moses' deliverance in the wilderness which only resulted in temporary relief for the people, Jesus' atoning death on the cross brought decisive victory over sin, satan, and death. Jesus' victory on the cross cancels the debt of sin, and releases us from guilt and condemnation, giving us new life, a share in the Divine Life. "We adore you, O Christ, and we bless you, because by your Holy Cross you have redeemed the world".
I pray as we journey in life today, we will draw strength from Jesus Who humbled Himself to die on the cross (Phil. 2: 6-11) for our sake to reconcile us to God. May we courageously carry our own different crosses and follow our Lord Jesus onto victory. May we rise in grace to heal the wounds of hatred, unforgiveness, hurts and divisions in our lives. Love conquers! Have a salvation-full (healing) day!
Date: 2024-12-30 -
There will be Umuahia Diocesan Behavioral Conference at Mater Dei Jubilee hall on Monday 30th December 2024.
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