Homilies & Reflections
One thing I ask of the Lord. This I long to dwell in the house of the Lord,
all the days of my
One thing I ask of the Lord. This I long to dwell in the house of the Lord,
all the days of my
11th of August 2022
Thursday in the 19th week of Ordinary Time, Year 11
(Memorial of St. Clare)
Ezek. 12:1-12
*Love him totally, who gave himself totally for your love*(St. Clare)
I welcome us to the liturgy of today wherein we celebrate the memorial of St. Clare(1195-1253), born in Assisi Italy. Influenced by St. Francis of Assisi and against her parents wish, she fled to Porziuncola chapel below Assisi, and joining the Second Order of St. Francis, she received her vows in 1212. She lived a life of service to God and humanity, focusing on a life of poverty, love and prayer, and professing Jesus as her only spouse.
The readings of today reminds us that following God is action packed and which hinges on obeying His words.
While Ezekiel was told to express in action the judgement God will exact on the people, Jesus tell Peter in the gospel to live, love and forgive beyond measure. He thus tells us to forgive in an unlimited manner.
Dear friends in Christ, the liturgy of today celebrates the magnanimity of God's love. This is a love that surpasses human logic. The number seven is a number of perfection. Jews at the time of Jesus were required to forgive a person three times. Jesus tells us rather to love without measure. He calls us not to hold back kindness.
•We see this love of God manifested in the life of the Israelites. However, this love was at a point taken for granted. Most of the time, God's love have been greeted with hatred and unforgiveness. This reflected in the first reading and of course the gospel. The readings tells us that God will exact judgement on those who do no respond to his love, and those who are unforgiving like the wicked servant of today.
•Finally friends, let us remember that we all are debtors, we are sinners and as such, we should look upon others with the eyes of mercy. A particular Psalm we pray during the compline captures this, "If you O Lord should mark our guilt, who will survive?."(Ps. 130:3)
_May we respond to God's love and forgiveness, and extend it to others._
*Every blessings*
(Fr. Camillus Nwaigwe)
Date: 2024-12-30 -
There will be Umuahia Diocesan Behavioral Conference at Mater Dei Jubilee hall on Monday 30th December 2024.
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